Quiet Weeks Daily Schedule

Please check our calendar for upcoming Quiet Weeks. For the daily schedule during retreats, click here.

The entire Quiet Weeks schedule is optional, except for the work period.

  • Morning Timed Sitting 7-8a

    Tuesdays through Saturdays

  • Breakfast (self-served) 7-8:30

    Various breakfast items available in kitchen

  • Morning Work Period 9-10
  • Open Sitting 10:30-12:30p

    Meetings with teachers available by appointment

  • Lunch 12:30

    Buffet style with communal clean-up (self-served Sun & Mon)

  • Open Sitting 2-4:30

    Meetings with teachers available by appointment

  • Group Dialogue (Tues & Sat) 2:15-3:30
  • Sitting Room available for exercise 4:30-5:30
  • Dinner (self-served) 5-7

    Leftovers and other items available in kitchen

  • Evening Sitting 7-9:30

Common spaces are in silence from 4:30 p to 8:30 a, with spaces available for quiet conversation. We are also in silence from 4:30 p on Saturday through 8:30 a on Tuesday.