
Our silent meditation retreats are unique. We have a nontraditional approach with no rituals, required beliefs, or assigned practices.

The different aspects of retreat are offered as resources rather than requirements. Without the subtle pressure to fit into a particular way of being, there is space for curiosity and wonder to discover what is alive for us in each moment. There is space for attention and awareness to arise naturally.

Each retreat has a daily schedule with meditation periods, a talk, private meetings with teachers, and group dialogue. All activities are optional and you are free to interact with retreat in a way that works for you. The only requirements are to participate in silence and contribute an hour of work each day.

We have been holding retreats in Springwater for over 30 years, and they have evolved over time into an innovative form that flows naturally and that many people love.


Retreats are conducted by people who have worked with our founder Toni Packer over many years. Please see our Teacher Page for information about each teacher, along with articles and recorded talks.

Private Meetings

Private meetings are available with teachers during retreat and are open to all participants. Meetings are informal and are held in the spirit of mutual curiosity and inquiry, of looking together into whatever is alive in this moment.
Retreat participants may also meet privately with one another.

Dialogue Groups

We also offer daily Dialogue Groups, which provide a meditative space for us to look and inquire together, to listen and ask questions and share with each other our unique perspectives, insights, and experiences.

All Day Sittings

Weekend Retreats

Seven Day Retreats

Daily Schedule

Practical Info

Register for Retreat