Wayne Coger
Wayne Coger has led retreats since 2001. For more than 30 years he worked with Toni Packer, and previously he studied at the Rochester Zen Center. Wayne has been on staff at Springwater Center since 1983, and in December 2015 was appointed to the position of Administrator by the Board of Trustees.
“Toni Packer asked me if I would share the work that we do with others. While I have never had any desire to become a ‘teacher,’ exploring the work of meditative inquiry has been my deepest joy and passion for many years. What excites me is this possibility to look at anything and everything freshly, without inhibitions or structures. It is through this open inquiry that we begin to learn about ourselves. To learn how we are when we are not bound by our ideas and self-images.”
In Wayne’s booklet A Moment of Stillness: Questions about Meditation and Inquiry, the question is asked: “Can you say something about how you find inner peace through meditation?” He responds in part,
Breathing, thinking, the sounds that come and go–can awareness take all of this in, without preference? It does happen and it really is possible. Thought, the troubled mind, cannot bring about the quiet, the relief we crave, but this wondrous stillness is here, present when we stop all of our doing–our manipulations and our trying. Stillness is at the heart of direct listening, direct being with and there is nothing we need to do to bring it about. We are this stillness and stillness is not something we need to attain. Meditation, awareness, allows us to see clearly what is here, what we truly are and what we originally are–whole and complete, not lacking anything.
In addition to his work at the Center, Wayne is an enthusiastic swimmer, participating in local masters swim meets. He lives nearby with his wife Susan McCallum.
Wayne Coger
Wayne Coger has led retreats since 2001. For more than 30 years he worked with Toni Packer, and previously he studied at the Rochester Zen Center. Wayne has been on staff at Springwater Center since 1983, and in December 2015 was appointed to the position of Administrator by the Board of Trustees.
“Toni Packer asked me if I would share the work that we do with others. While I have never had any desire to become a ‘teacher,’ exploring the work of meditative inquiry has been my deepest joy and passion for many years. What excites me is this possibility to look at anything and everything freshly, without inhibitions or strictures. It is through this open inquiry that we begin to learn about ourselves. To learn how we are when we are not bound by our ideas and self-images.”
In Wayne’s booklet A Moment of Stillness: Questions about Meditation and Inquiry, the question is asked: “Can you say something about how you find inner peace through meditation?” He responds in part,
Breathing, thinking, the sounds that come and go–can awareness take all of this in, without preference? It does happen and it really is possible. Thought, the troubled mind, cannot bring about the quiet, the relief we crave, but this wondrous stillness is here, present when we stop all of our doing–our manipulations and our trying. Stillness is at the heart of direct listening, direct being with and there is nothing we need to do to bring it about. We are this stillness and stillness is not something we need to attain. Meditation, awareness, allows us to see clearly what is here, what we truly are and what we originally are–whole and complete, not lacking anything.
In addition to his work at the Center, Wayne is an enthusiastic swimmer, participating in local masters swim meets. He lives nearby with his wife Susan McCallum.

Upcoming Retreats with Wayne
4-Day Retreat w/Wayne Coger (in-person)
July 18 - July 224-Day New Years Retreat w/Wayne Coger
December 28, 2025 - January 1, 2026