
Seven-Day Retreat with Richard Witteman

This retreat has options for in-person or online attendance, and will be facilitated as a parallel retreat by Richard Witteman. Bells will be rung and talks will be given from the sitting room in-person and via Zoom. Group dialogues will be held in the sitting room without technology for in-person participants and exclusively via Zoom […]

Seven-Day Retreat with Richard Witteman

This retreat has options for in-person or online attendance, and will be facilitated as a hybrid retreat by Richard Witteman from Northern CA. Bells will be rung from the sitting room in-person and via Zoom. Technology will be set up in the sitting room for talks and group dialogues to include online and in-person participants […]

Seven-Day Retreat with Richard Witteman (in-person and online)

Richard Witteman will give talks and private meetings and will take part in the daily group dialogue. In the silence of retreat, space is here to pause, to slow down. Space to see and feel and listen, to question and wonder…to be intimately in silence, in the heart of whatever we are, whatever is here. […]

Seven-Day Retreat with Richard Witteman (online)

Richard Witteman will give talks and private meetings and will take part in the daily group dialogue remotely via Zoom. In the silence of retreat, space is here to pause, to slow down. Space to see and feel and listen, to question and wonder…to be intimately in silence, in the heart of whatever we are, […]

7-Day Retreat with Richard Witteman (in-person and online)

Because of family medical needs, Richard will not be able to travel to Springwater this year to facilitate the June 29- July 6 retreat in person. The Center will run the in-person retreat as usual, and Richard will be joining the retreat over Zoom, offering talks, private meetings, and participating in group dialogue. Wayne Coger […]

Cancelled-7 Day Retreat with Richard Witteman (online)

Richard is dealing with a personal loss and will not lead this retreat. Richard will share some words in the September 4 News Update.