All Day Sitting
All are welcome to attend this All Day Sitting event beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. EDT. We are accepting up to 18 fully vaccinated in-person participants, and an unlimited number of online participants. The day includes timed and un-timed sittings, a talk, afternoon dialogue group, and social time at 4:00. Online […]
All Day Sitting
All are welcome to attend this All Day Sitting event beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. EDT. We are accepting up to 18 fully vaccinated in-person participants, and an unlimited number of online participants. The day includes timed and un-timed sittings, a talk, afternoon dialogue group, and social time at 4:00. Online […]
Four-Day Retreat with Stew Glick
This retreat will be held in-person, with an option to access talks remotely. Stew Glick will give talks and private meetings and will take part in the daily group dialogue at the Center. Audio from talks will be recorded using Zoom; if you are interested in signing in to hear daily talks, please email Maggy […]
Seven-Day Retreat with Wayne Coger and Sandra Gonzalez
Due to low in-person attendance the upcoming retreat with Wayne and Sandra will take place primarily online via Zoom. Also it has been shortened to be a seven-day retreat, running from Saturday May 7 to Saturday May 14. Just as in retreat timed sittings and talks will take place from the sitting room and private […]
All Day Sitting
All are welcome to attend this All Day Sitting event beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. EDT. We are accepting fully vaccinated in-person participants. The day includes timed and untimed sittings, a talk, afternoon dialogue group, and social time at 4:00. For those who would like to participate, please contact us at […]
Annual Meeting
At this hybrid Annual Meeting (Zoom and in-person), members of the Center may participate in the Trustee's election and all attendees may participate in an open discussion. There will also be a potluck lunch following the meeting this year. Please RSVP to by Wednesday 5/25.
Seven-Day Online Retreat with Stephan Bielfedt
This retreat's format is dynamic as we stay responsive to the evolution of COVID. Stephan Bielfedt will give talks and private meetings and will take part in the daily group dialogue online using Zoom. Currently, you can participate in this retreat via Zoom on a personal device from your home, Springwater Center, or other location […]
Seven-Day Retreat with Richard Witteman
This retreat has options for in-person or online attendance, and will be facilitated as a parallel retreat by Richard Witteman. Bells will be rung and talks will be given from the sitting room in-person and via Zoom. Group dialogues will be held in the sitting room without technology for in-person participants and exclusively via Zoom […]
Four-Day Online Retreat with Les Schaffer
This retreat's format is dynamic as we stay responsive to the evolution of COVID. Les Schaffer will give talks and private meetings and will take part in the daily group dialogue online using Zoom. Currently, you can participate in this retreat via Zoom on a personal device from your home, Springwater Center, or other location […]
All Day Sitting
*This All Day Sitting is currently full, though we are accepting names for the waitlist. Please contact us at if you would like to be added.* All are welcome to attend this All Day Sitting event beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. EDT. We are accepting fully vaccinated in-person participants. The […]
Talent Show
***The specific format of this event has yet to be determined, but will either be online only, or hybrid in-person and online.*** Springwater Center is hosting an event just for fun and we want you to come! Join us for a day of fun, food, laughter, music and friendship at Springwater Center. Bring the whole […]
Seven-Day Retreat with Bob Dattola
Bob Dattola will give talks and be available for private meetings and the daily afternoon group dialogue in this summer retreat. Bob has been taking part in the Center’s work since its inception. Important questions for him over the years have been “What is Truth or Reality?” and “Where can Truth be found?” In addition […]
Quiet Weeks
Quiet Weeks offer an opportunity to create a personalized retreat while the Center enters into a modification of its day-to-day working life. There are many possibilities to connect with the Springwater teachers in both group and private settings. An extended retreat may be created by combining these Quiet Weeks with attendance at the adjacent retreats. […]
Un Día de indagación Meditativa y retiros de silencio en Español y Inglés
Springwater se complace en anunciarles que ofrecerá un día de Meditación Indagativa en Español y Inglés. Este Sera facilitado por Sandra Gonzalez via zoom desde Springwater Center y sera un día Domingo, Agosto 21. Comenzando a las 8:00 am con meditaciones formales, charla en la mañana y tiempos libre entre cada actividad. Finalizando el día […]
Seven-Day Retreat with Sandra Gonzalez and Susan Schepp
Sandra and Susan have been engaged in meditation and meditative work at the Center for many years. They’ll both give talks and take part in the afternoon group dialogues, as well as being available for group and private meetings. Sandra Gonzalez has led retreats in both English and Spanish for several years. She began working […]
Quiet Weeks
Quiet Weeks offer an opportunity to create a personalized retreat while the Center enters into a modification of its day-to-day working life. There are many possibilities to connect with the Springwater teachers in both group and private settings. An extended retreat may be created by combining these Quiet Weeks with attendance at the adjacent retreats. […]
Retiro De Indagación Meditativa
Retiro Info para Springwater Modalidad online todo en español facilitado por Sandra Gonzalez 16 al 19 de Septiembre Del viernes 5:00 pm hasta el lunes 2:00 pm (hora NY: UTC -4:00) Auspiciada por Fundación Foro Internacional de Mindfulness. No requiere experiencia previa. Si están interesados y quieren más información sobre su agenda o reservar un […]
Seven-Day Retreat with Richard Witteman
This retreat has options for in-person or online attendance, and will be facilitated as a hybrid retreat by Richard Witteman from Northern CA. Bells will be rung from the sitting room in-person and via Zoom. Technology will be set up in the sitting room for talks and group dialogues to include online and in-person participants […]
Staff Break/Center Closed
The Center will close during this period so that staff can take a break after a busy summer. We’ll be open again Tuesday, October 4 and welcoming guests and visitors.
Four-Day Retreat with Stew Glick
Stew Glick began working with Roshi Phillip Kapleau at the Rochester Zen Center around 1971. He later began working closely with Toni Packer and came on the Zen Center staff in 1979. Stew played an instrumental role in the land search and initial construction for what would become Springwater Center. He spent over twenty years […]
All Day Sitting
All are welcome to attend this All Day Sitting event beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. EDT. We are accepting up to 18 fully vaccinated in-person participants, and an unlimited number of online participants. The day includes timed and un-timed sittings, a talk, afternoon dialogue group, and social time at 4:00. Online […]
Quiet Week
Quiet Weeks offer an opportunity to create a personalized retreat while the Center enters into a modification of its day-to-day working life. There are many possibilities to connect with the Springwater teachers in both group and private settings. An extended retreat may be created by combining these Quiet Weeks with attendance at the adjacent retreats. […]
Seven-Day Retreat with Sandra Gonzalez
Sandra will give talks and meet with participants privately and in the afternoon dialogue group in this autumn retreat. Sandra Gonzalez began working with Toni Packer in 1988. Previously, she studied at other meditation centers. in 2003 Toni asked her to be one of the people to help carry on the meditative work of […]
All-Day Sitting
All are welcome to attend this All Day Sitting event beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. EDT. We are accepting up to 18 fully vaccinated in-person participants, and an unlimited number of online participants. The day includes timed and un-timed sittings, a talk, afternoon dialogue group, and social time at 4:00. Online […]
Staff Break/Center Closed
The Center will close at the end of the day on Thursday, December 15, and reopen the morning of Tuesday, December 27. Staff will be taking a break during this holiday period, and then will be preparing for the New-Year’s retreat beginning December 30.
Four-Day New Year’s Retreat with Wayne Coger (in-person and online)
Wayne Coger has led retreats since 2001. He worked with Toni Packer for more than 30 years, and has been a staff member of the Center since 1983, currently serving as administrator. Previously, he studied at the Rochester Zen Center. Wayne writes: "The essence of meditation is, to this person, being quietly with whatever presents […]
Three-Day Retreat with Susan Schepp (in-person and online)
Susan will give talks and be available for private meetings during this four-day retreat. Susan Schepp has a deep commitment to meditative work and has been involved in the Center since its inception. She has a small collection of poems she’s written at the Center, including one she read during a talk last year: Ripples […]
All Day Sitting (in-person)
All Day Sittings are one of the most popular ways to participate in the work of Springwater Center. We come together for a day of sharing silence, sitting, listening, and meditative dialogue. The day begins at 8:30 am with silent sitting, includes a talk by one of our teaching staff, a vegetarian lunch, a group dialogue, and refreshments […]
Four-Day Retreat with Wayne Coger (in-person and online)
Wayne Coger has led retreats since 2001. He worked with Toni Packer for more than 30 years, and has been a staff member of the Center since 1983, currently serving as administrator. Previously, he studied at the Rochester Zen Center. In an interview in Cypress Trees in the Garden, the Second Generation of Zen Teaching […]
Seven-Day Retreat with Les Schaffer (online)
In this late winter/early spring retreat, Les Schaffer will give morning talks, and offer private meetings. In Les’ retreats, there is an emphasis on 1:1 meetings to focus on the retreat and meditation practice. To date, Springwater has said these meetings are optional. Les is making a change and asking that people come to at […]