Online Dialogue and Guest Speaker this Saturday

New Voices are Speaking Open Meditative Dialogue and Guest Speaker—Online this Saturday, March 30 Following the enthusiasm surrounding this past February’s Collaborative Retreat, space will now be available for new … Read More

Early Spring Happenings at the Center

Welcoming spring, planning for the year… Spring Planning  Friends, there’s no better time than now to take a look at the Calendar and plan for your participation at the Center … Read More

Coming Up this Saturday

Relax into Listening Together Relax into Listening – Online – this Saturday Everyone is invited to join, this Saturday, March 16 as the Center holds a 25 minute quiet sitting … Read More

Space Open in Upcoming Retreat

Pause for a while full or part-time, in person or online Silent Space still Available for In-person and Online Attendees Beginning tomorrow, join in as the Center settles in to … Read More

All-Day Sitting this Saturday

An opportunity to sit, hear a talk and dialogue with others. A quiet day together in person or online This Saturday February 24 All-Day Sitting has space available for in-person … Read More